Donate (via Paypal)

Thanks! We definitely appreciate your largesse! Almost as much as we appreciate the opportunity to use the word “largesse.”

Also, when you click on this link, it’ll take you to a page that offers you the chance to donate money to “Smart Mouth Entertainment, LLC”–which is essentially just me (Kevin). I set up an LLC on the advice of my lawyer so that if anyone sues over the content of the site, I won’t lose my house (they can only take the company’s assets, which are pretty much always $0). But I pay the artists for their work, and all of that comes out of my own pocket. Added to the tech costs and the lawyer’s fees for helping me set up everything, as of 2024, I’ve spent over $15K on this, easily (most of which has gone to the artists). So if you enjoyed the site and/or found it valuable, please consider a small donation to help me recover the costs of producing it. Thank you!!